Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Week 13 Learning Challenges: Time Management Advice from Maggie Stiefvater

(Stiefvater herself, via Wikimedia Commons)
This week I thought I would sort of add on to the time management stuff I posted a couple of weeks ago and give you some other awesome time management stuff that I've collected over the years. All of it is by--you guessed it!--Maggie Stiefvater, who is a huge believer in setting (manageable; more on that later) goals and then putting your butt in a chair and achieving those goals (or I guess you don't have to put it in a chair if you don't have goals to achieve that require sitting down, but all of my struggles with time management tend to center around my inability to sit still for more than 20 minutes at a time, so that's a helpful saying for me).

Anyway, from her early stuff there's this article that describes some of the things that keep her from achieving her goals in a timely manner, and there's this sequel explaining what exactly she does to combat these things.

From her later stuff, there's this one, but basically it says a lot of the same things, it's just an updated version and not nearly as comprehensive. And this one, which is somewhat about timers but mostly just about Space Penguin.

And I think that's all? I hope it's helpful for someone, because it's sure been helpful for me...as of now Maggie Stiefvater has almost 15 books published (her next one is due to come out in seven days, and I can't wait), and is a serious artist and musician as well as everything else she does, so it's advice coming from a good source!

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