Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Introduction to a (Slightly) Stressed Philomath

Hello everyone! My name is Kathryn, and I am writing this post from the comfort of my armchair (which was featured in one of previous posts as one of my favorite places of all time only slightly facetiously. I love this chair), with a cup of tea in my hand and my hair standing on end from all the work that has descended upon me. It's only the first week of the semester! I think to myself. How could you already be so far underwater?

The truth is, I take a lot of classes because I'm interested in everything--but I'm still working on my time management skills. My major is anthropology (I'm actually double majoring in anthropology and linguistics, but the linguistics part is complicated). I knew it was going to be anthropology or nothing before I got to college. But I also really like writing--which is really why I was drawn to this class in the first place. Writing about myths and folk tales is a serious plus, because that's what I end up doing a lot anyway! I love to read mythology and folklore, and I don't get to do it enough. Plus I've always wanted to have a blog, but it was never really an option, time-wise. Also my life is kind of boring, day by day, which is what people generally blog about.

What do I do? I take a lot of classes during the semester. Sometimes I get in time for personal reading, but mostly I just flail uselessly under piles of assigned reading. I write essays (not stories so much, lately, but hopefully that'll change this semester). I procrastinate doing adult things like calling the bank and cleaning my room. And, last but not least, I memorize ridiculous amount of Arabic vocabulary. During breaks, I travel back to the Northeast, where my roots are, and do a lot of taekwondo and try to make money. Sometimes I sleep, but mostly I just kind of imagine how lucid I'd be if I DID sleep. I drink a lot of coffee. I cook (delicious!) food.

Not exactly riveting stuff. But this past break was pretty cool: in addition to taking the ground test for my private pilot's license (one of my goals for far, far in the future is to be able to fly places myself), I tested for my black belt in taekwondo. And, you know, got it. Which was awesome.

I also got to hug my dog a lot, which is always a huge plus. He's a mutt (part hound, but that's the only part we know) and his name is George--short for King George, because he's a bit spoiled and likes to cause trouble. Here's a picture:

(George, photo credit mine)
But that moment doesn't really encapsulate his personality, so here's another, slightly blurry photo, in which he demonstrates the fact that he really thinks he's a cat:

(King George the Household Tyrant, photo credit mine)
What else can I tell you? My favorite authors are Maggie Stiefvater (she is the bees' knees, people), Robin McKinley, and Diana Wynne Jones, but I'll read anything once. I'll also watch anything once, but my favorite movies are The Mummy and Contact. My taste in music is questionable, but I live attached to my headphones. I really like the color orange, and Wonder Woman, and homemade Indian food. If left to my own devices, with no responsibilities, I would probably become either a trapeze artist or a baker; instead, I will probably become an archaeologist/writer/Taekwondo Master, because I have a hard time choosing concrete paths in life.

Phew. I think that's enough of an introduction for now...

ETA: in case you didn't believe me about my taste in music, here's a few songs to illustrate:


  1. Hello Kathryn! It is so cool that you are majoring in anthropology. I took anthropology class a few semesters ago and it was really fun class. I read your comment in my introduction post and I am so sorry to hear that you left the Arabic Flagship Program. Can you please tell me how long have you been taking Arabic classes and why did you leave the program? What are the things that you did not like in the program? Because I am going to start tutoring next week in this program and I just want to know if there is anything I can do to make people like the program and enjoy it. Please keep taking Arabic it is really fun language to learn even with the ridiculous amount of vocabulary you have to memorize, but trust me it will get easier in the future. And if you need any help in Arabic please let me know.

  2. It is so great to meet another linguistics person, Kathryn! I studied Slavic and Classical languages in college, and then added Sanskrit in grad school, and that resulted in some great opportunities to learn about linguistics since many of the great contributions to linguistic science have come from the Sanskrit grammarians of ancient times and the Slavic scholars of modern times (ROMAN JAKOBSON!). Your King George is a cutie, and flying and Arabic and taekwondo all sound so exciting. I can imagine all kinds of ways that this class could intersect with your philomathy, and I hope you will have fun with it!

  3. Hi, Kathryn! It is a good thing you are taking a lot of classes because you are interested in, although it is not good that you are under the stack of assignments. Good thing this class is interesting and you will not be stressing over the grades! Haha. I love your dog and how you called him king and tyrant! Great introduction!

  4. Hi! That's so cool that you got the black belt in taekwondo! My mom made me take it once, and I actually quite enjoyed it, but class schedule conflicted with other things, so I only got to yellow (2) belt. You sound so cool... Getting your private pilot's license! That's amazing! You're very lucky to know what you want to do since before getting to college (I didn't). And your dog is adorable!

  5. Hi Kathryn! I’m exactly like you when it comes to procrastinating and needing to work on my time management skills. I always have 1000 other things I want to work on other than school! That is so cool that you now have a private pilot’s license and black belt. I think I would be terrified if I was in charge of flying a plane on my own! I also really enjoyed the pictures of your dog. It’s funny because my dog is similar in the fact that she acts like a cat too! My parents and I often call her a “catdog”!

  6. Hi Kathryn! This class was also really appealing to me because of the blogging aspect. I've also always wanted to blog but could never really find an interesting topic/thought my life was fun enough to blog about, so this is a great way to do something I love and get class credit! It's a good way to improve my writing skills, too. George is so cute! I wish I could have a dog, but I have a cat and he keeps me busy enough as it is. It's also so cool that you're getting your pilot's license! I have a couple of friends who have theirs and it's awesome.

  7. Nice to meet you Kathryn! You were meant to write blogs, your introduction itself really speaks to your personality. You are able to write as if you are actually telling someone a story face to face. But that is so cool about you trying to get your pilots license, that’s something I would love to do but doubt it ever happens. Good luck with your busy semester and classes!

  8. I was an anthropology major when I started at OU. I have to say though, I hated linguistics. I’m impressed you’re majoring in linguistics. It’s hard and one of my least favorite subjects. I desperately want to fly but I have glasses and could never get a license. I have always wanted to get a pilot’s license so I’m really impressed with you (and more than a little jealous).

  9. I really enjoyed your writing first of all! It's very catchy!! I know next to nothing about anthropology but I what I do know, I find fascinating. I only know what I've learned from the show Bones. I think it is so cool that you do taekwondo!! I've always wanted to take some form of self-defense or karate but my schedule has never allowed it! I look forward to reading a lot more of your stuff!!

    And The Mummy is on of my favorites as well!!

  10. Wow! You have so many different interests! It is great how diverse you are. I hope you can accomplish all those goals but it sounds like you need more hours in a day lol! I feel that way sometimes too! I hope this semester is everything you are looking for! I looke forward to reading all your stories!

  11. Hi Kathryn! You have some pretty neat hobbies. I love that you take so many classes because you're just interested in everything! I feel like there's never enough time in a day/semester/year to learn all that I am interested in. I also have a hard time choosing concrete paths in life! I am a very indecisive person.
    I love dogs; George is so cute! Hope you have a great rest of your semester!

  12. Hey Kathryn! You seem like such a busy person! I don't know how you manage to do so many things. Its awesome! I need to work on my time management too. Im pretty good at putting off things like cleaning my room, until its gets a little too much and its necessary to clean it! Thats awesome you know what you wanted to do before college, because most people are so lost as incoming freshman (like me). I hope your are enjoying the many classes you are taking and good luck with all your midterms and the rest of your semester!

  13. Hi Kathryn! You really do have quite a wide variety of hobbies and interests. Congrats on getting your black belt and working towards getting your pilot's license. I think time management is something most everyone needs to work on, to some degree at least. It's good that you are taking some classes just because you like the subject. I did that and I ended up changing my major from accounting to meteorology. Good luck this semester.

  14. Hi Kathryn, first of all it is so interesting to see how varied your interests are! It's pretty impressive that you are double majoring because both of those things fit your interests and you couldn't choose just one. Do you think if Taekwondo was a major here at OU you would triple major in all three?... I bet so haha! You mentioned going back Northeast on breaks, where are you from? Congrats on all of your recent accomplishments and keep doing all the things you love!

  15. Kathryn, great intro! I definitely can say that I have a pretty good picture into your interests and pieces of your personality. You really have your hands in a lot of activities, which is great! What exactly would you like to do with your major? What was your inspiration? I'm sure you know a lot of good moves, having your black belt and all. I would love to try some of your cooking, since you sound so confident in it! Well, good luck with everything!

  16. Kathryn,

    You can think you’re as interesting as you please, but I thought that was a riveting introduction! Haha.
    Congratulations on your black belt!!! That’s so amazing! My little sister recently started taking a taekwondo class, and we’re very hopeful/excited about the disciple it will teach her. I know it takes a lot to get that far, so that’s impressive.
    …and so is learning Arabic! Is that your minor, or just a hobby? I love reading and writing (I’m a professional writing major), but I have no patience for other languages. At least, I didn’t when I took three semesters of Italian. I love Italy, but I was sure the language would be the death of me.

    I’m currently Googling Maggie Steifver, so thanks for the new lead for possible books to read!  I hope your semester has smoothed out some since the beginning (although I’m not sure mine has). Does it ever get less crazy, really? I’m worried what’s going to happen after we graduate if we thing college is crazy…

    It was nice to “meet” you!

  17. Hi Kathryn!

    I think you are way more interesting than you give yourself credit! It is really cool that you are working towards your pilot's license. Also, congratulations on getting your black belt, that is quite the achievement! I hope you have a great end to the semester and finally get some of that much needed sleep and personal time.

  18. Hey Kathryn, nice to meet you! After reading your introduction, I can tell we have a few things in common. I can definitely relate to having headphones in all of the time! I'm constantly listening to music, I mean literally all the time. lol I swear my life revolves around new album releases! I check the internet multiple times a week to see if there's any update about a new album release from my favorite artists. Music has just always been a huge part of my life. Also, congrats on finishing ground school! I miss my first days back in private ground! It was all so new and fresh! I miss the excitement I had my first few times flying! Hopefully soon you'll be able to get your flying in and get your license! Good luck!
